2019-12-12 12:44 AM
I am using the suite with a TeseoIII set to output at 230400 baud rate.
When in this rate the suite does not auto-detect it and does not connect automatically as it does in 115200.
When configured manually to this rate, it can communicate and show the signal level, but in this rate it cannot open the skyview, the Firmware wizards cannot start and the firmware configuration panel cannot start.
Do you have a newer tool version that is capable to resolve the above?
2019-12-16 6:12 AM
Hi Dror
Sorry for the delay.
TS is able to detect a device but only with predefined baud rate.
The (on startup) baudrate can be configured in:
Menu->File->Prefereces->'Detect devices at start-up' radio-buttons
Let me know if this fixes the issue.
2019-12-16 7:30 AM
I can see the radio buttons but the only options there are 115200 or 9600. No other baud rate options are available.
Also, please note my other comments. If manually configured to 230400 rate, the skyview button has no effect and the "FW configuration panel" cannot be activated.
Please check.
2019-12-17 1:44 AM
Hi Dror
I just did a test with Teseo-Suite 6.3.3 @ 230400 and it seems working for me.
I just sent the program to you using https://mft-eu.st.com/.
Let me know
2019-12-17 1:44 AM
Hi Dror
You should reveice an email to download the file
2019-12-17 5:45 AM
No download link in email yet.
Could you please re-check?
2019-12-17 8:23 AM
hum... May be the exe file has been filtered-out..
I'm uploading a zip file in the system and when ready I will send a new email.
2019-12-18 12:14 AM
2019-12-18 12:54 AM
I still do not get any notification email of how to download the file.
Please check.
Thank you.
2019-12-18 8:50 AM
New version indeed resolved the issue. There are more radio button options to select the rate used.
One minor comment. When in 230400 rate the "FW Configuration Panel" does not autoload with the NVM listing as in 115200.
Thank you.