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Add 'Solved' flag in 'Related Content'

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

When viewing a post, the forum gives 'Related Content' to the right:


It would be useful if this identified 'Solved' posts.


Community manager
Community manager

Hello @Andrew Neil , 

Let me check if this is something we can easily add or requires a more extensive customization. I will get back to you once I have an update. 


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Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

Ha ha - I see someone's suggested that it should just be removed completely!



it was @waclawek.jan :

I do kind of like having this, not sure how good the heuristics are, but it helps to find other threads.

It shouldn't list the current threads, that's just circular, and makes no sense.

On mobile it's at the end of the page.

Needs up/down voting to improve relevance metrics to teach the algorithm. 

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Hi @Tesla DeLorean ,

> it helps to find other threads

Does it?

I mean, did you, personally, ever found a related thread through that search?

> Needs up/down voting to improve relevance metrics to teach the algorithm.

That won't improve *mutual relevance* relationships.


PS. Sorry for starting the somewhat duplicate thread.

@waclawek.jan wrote:

did you, personally, ever found a related thread through that search?


Not often, but occasionally 

@waclawek.jan wrote:

> Needs up/down voting to improve relevance metrics to teach the algorithm.

That won't improve *mutual relevance* relationships.

Well, it could  (should?)

If a thread has been "down-voted", that should decrease its chance of appearing in the 'Related' list.


PS. Sorry for starting the somewhat duplicate thread.

No worries on that score - it's an entirely separate suggestion!


>>I mean, did you, personally, ever found a related thread through that search?

It's allowed me to find threads I would have otherwise missed, and ones I'd forgotten about. Let's call it a (Re)Discovery tool. Wished it worked better, but I'm not paid enough to care..

The general search has been so broken as to be next to pointless. I use Google mostly, but the quality of that is not nearly as good as it was two decades ago. So much material that's badly indexed to the point it can't find things I've seen or written before, even with nearly exact phrasing.

>>That won't improve *mutual relevance* relationships.

Yeah, well I'd like to magically work better too, but first we have to identify it as a problem, and understand why it's doing such a *** job. The things that continually frustrates me with this site is the lack of any vision about what's important in the presentation and navigation of information. And a focus on metrics that really don't measure the problem or success/failure properly.

Anyway, I'm the least paid guy in the room that matters, what do I know?

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@Tesla DeLorean wrote:

it can't find things I've seen or written before, even with nearly exact phrasing.

exactly this.

> I use Google mostly, but the quality of that is not nearly as good as it was two decades ago.

It started with altavista (remember that?) and perfect match with wildcards, exactly as we've been used to at the computers, whatever that meant back then.

When google kicked out the door, they dropped the wildcards, deliberately, citing severe search speed impact (I can imagine how and why it's true). However, that also lead to less hits for the marginally literate, so they made it "fuzzy" quite quickly.

Now the days of algorithmic search is long gone, I believe, it's more of a fishing in murky waters these days, occasionally throwing in bonus catches from the paying customers. Welcome to 21th century. We've got facebook, remember, instead of the Mars colonies.

However, returning to the original topic, I requested removing the "related content" exactly because it creates false hits when searching in google.


@waclawek.jan wrote:

altavista (remember that?) .

Oh yes!