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Account Email and transfer to default email


Please pass to the account department since it is not listed the location list. 

I have old work emails *** and *** and also *** and *** from my previous position where all of these accounts are closed.  

I wondered if the points or score could be reflected/updated in *** I have been in an embedded MCU with STM32 for some time. 

If possible, copy all STM32 forum/community topics/discussions to *** so I can refer to them for future reference. How long you keep it there before disposal?, how to back them up into file (can you send via ***.

Happy New Year 2024, and kind thank you for the support during 2023 and before that.


PS: In case you see gmail/yahoo, do you tend to be biased against supporting it because it is not a company email? I am always applying STM32 firmware work for industrial applications, not for toy things from Santa.

PSS: In case you making a new MCU, try to include the end of the line terminator char in the USART peripheral so it generates interrupts (ie '\n' or '\0') so FIFO is used (between full and then partially filled due to EOL detection) better rather than a single char receives an interrupt.  






I've always used addresses here as they are not company centric. At a forum level there's little visibility, and no one cares what company you work for, or what email you registered with. From an Engineering Support level, as no one is paying NRE to get actual support, doing a couple of $M USD a year would tend to separate you from tire kickers. Good Engineering Support is expensive, and it's not valued here very much.

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Hello @Riscy , 

Thanks for being part of ST community and I wish you a Happy New Year too!

Regarding points/content transfer, unfortunately we are not able to do this action. I will contact you directly regarding the content via email. 

To answer other parts of your message: 
PS: In case you see gmail/yahoo, do you tend to be biased against supporting it because it is not a company email? I am always applying STM32 firmware work for industrial applications, not for toy things from Santa.

// No, this is not the case here. You won't be treated differently because of the email address. 

PSS: In case you making a new MCU, try to include the end of the line terminator char in the USART peripheral so it generates interrupts (ie '\n' or '\0') so FIFO is used (between full and then partially filled due to EOL detection) better rather than a single char receives an interrupt.  

 I suggest posting this content in one of the forum boards here: STM32 MCUs - STMicroelectronics Community

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Thanks for the info, I will keep it in my mind.