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Problems to use Cube AI pack in STM32 FP-Vision examples available from STM website


Hi folks,

I gently ask you some help related to a computer vision application, based in artificial inteligence, that I have been developed at STM32H747i-DISCO. 


I am developing my code following the steps presented in a stm tutorial that is available in this link : .



The code that I am using is the same presented in the tutorial and available to download from STM website, in the following link: 


I followed all the steps of this tutorial and, in the last ones, it is necessary to convert a neural network tensor flow file into a C file. This conversion is made by Cube AI software pack and it has to run in the STM32CubeMX. But, in order to open STM32CubeMX, it is necessary an .ioc file integrated into the project . This app is shown bellow :



But, none of the projects available from the STM webiste have have the .ioc file. Particularly, I am using the "person detection" project, as in the tutorial video.  Please, could someone help me out on how to use STM32CubeMX in this context or to suggest me an AI based example project, for STM32H747i-disco, that contains the .ioc file ?

imagem para forum da STM.png


Thanks !