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Problem when verifying ONNX model with STM32Cube.AI 7.2.0 (Not IMPLEMENTED: Squeeze: Selected axis has shape entry not equal to 1)


0693W00000QOIcjQAH.pngDear support-team:

I've created a model which consists of only a LSTM layer and a linear layer with Pytorch, and convert it into ONNX model. But when I tried to verify it with STM32Cube.AI, it just print "Not IMPLEMENTED: Squeeze: Selected axis has shape entry not equal to 1". As I've checked the model, the shape entry which I try to squeeze is 1, what may the cause the problem? Sincerely for your help.

Pytorch version: 1.8.2

ONNX version: 1.10.0 (With Opset 10)

STM32Cube.AI version: 7.2.0

ST Employee

Thanks for reporting this issue,

We had an issue with this model due to the insertion of a Transpose layer before and after the LSTM. This determines a wrong shape inference for the successive layers depending on axes (e.g. Squeeze).

We have fixed the problem in our upcoming 7.3 version that will be public by beginning of October

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