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Issue with NanoEdge AI Model Training on STWINBX1 (STEVAL-STWBXCS1A)

Associate II

Hello ST Community,

I'm working on a Predictive Maintenance project using FP-SNS-DATALOG2 to capture real-time sensor data from my STWINBX1 (STEVAL-STWBXCS1A). Here’s my workflow so far:

  1. Data Acquisition: Captured sensor data using HSDatalog_GUI.
  2. Format Conversion: Converted data to NanoEdge CSV format using " ".
  3. NanoEdge Processing: Uploaded the converted data to NanoEdge AI Studio and successfully downloaded a benchmark.
  4. Model Training Issue:
    • I connected my board via USB-C and STLINK-V3MINI (otherwise, my PC and NanoEdge wouldn’t detect it).
    • My STLINK is properly recognized on COM3.
    • However, when I try to train the model, NanoEdge AI Studio does not recognize the board—it detects nothing.

Has anyone encountered this issue before? Could it be a driver issue, a missing configuration, or something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

@Andrew Neil 





Open STM32CubeIDE, select ST-LINK, and check if your STWINBX1 is detected. Open NanoEdge AI Studio and check if it is set to detect devices on the right COM port. Try switching to a different USB port on your PC. Restart NanoEdge AI Studio after plugging in the board.


Thanks for your response! I’ve already tried that method.

  • I’m working on a laptop with only two USB ports, so I’ve tested switching between USB-C and STLINK-V3MINI multiple times.
  • No matter which port I use, COM3 always appears in Device Manager, but the issue in NanoEdge AI Studio remains the same—it doesn’t detect the board.
  • In STM32CubeIDE, my board is detected through STLINK, and I can debug successfully.
  • However, when I open PuTTY (COM3, 115200 baud rate), nothing appears—it's like the board isn’t communicating at all.
  • Interestingly, when I use STM32CubeProgrammer, I can successfully flash firmware via STLINK without any issues.

It seems like the board is recognized for flashing/debugging but not for serial communication or NanoEdge AI Studio. Could this be a firmware or driver issue? Any ideas on what else to check?