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I am using STEVAL -STLKT01V1 BOARD . As per schematic the board is conencted to the pin PD2 and PC12 for UART Rx and UART Tx as per Cube MX suggestion , but in the schematics it shows USART Rx and USART Tx. Kindly confirm which is ok.


I am using Keras model to validate the code . I am enclosing the schematic details for your reference.

How should I Configure the platform settings of AI

what should I select here

If I select manual following error shows

If I select the below setting error shows Cube IDE not found . Please suggest how should I validate the AI

I have gone thro the video


Not sure I full understand the question, and don't see schematic (not watching videos)

Attach a magnified/cropped image of the schematic section in question, with annotations.

The USART vs UART naming shound not be consequential, you're likely not using the "Synchronous" mode.

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Let me explain the situation - I have ported the AI model created via Keras and the model analyse and Valdiation on desktop is working fine. I am trying to check validation on the target. To do so, I need to geenrate the project, build and download the firmware. I did all No issues, When I click the validation button I received an error


Starting AI validation on target with random data... 

C:/Users/Admin/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/7.0.0/Utilities/windows/stm32ai validate --name network_1627924896993 -m E:/Firmstart/Comtustec/Client_Software/model (1).h5 --type keras --compression 1 --verbosity 1 --workspace C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\mxAI_workspace17141892192098004384824550930959915 --output C:\Users\Admin\.stm32cubemx --mode stm32 --desc COM4:115200  

Neural Network Tools for STM32AI v1.5.1 ( v7.0.0-RC8) 

Setting validation data... 

 generating random data, size=10, seed=42, range=default 

 I[1]: (10, 30, 32, 1)/float32, min/max=[0.000, 1.000], mean/std=[0.494, 0.288], input_0 

 No output/reference samples are provided 

Running the STM AI c-model (AI RUNNER)...(name=network_1627924896993, mode=stm32) 

E200(ValidationError): stm32: Unable to bind the STM AI runtime with "network_1627924896993" c-model: [] 

 connection to "serial:COM4:115200"/"COM4:115200" run-time fails 

 E801(HwIOError): Invalid firmware - COM4:115200 


So I checked the schematic of STEVAL - STLKt1V1 and found USART is configured to the PD2 and PC12 port pin. When I see the pin details it shows UART 5/ USART_DE or USART3_RTS on PD2. So I tried configuring platform setting of UART5, but still the same error exists. I need guidance to run the model without this communication error..


@Community member​  Hi I have shared my doubt? Do you have any solution on this issue

If you have doubts trace to connectivity of the signals end-to-end, and what the software is configured to expect, and what hardware is wired together.

Can you open the COM port with other software?

Says the firmware is invalid, are you sure you got the right one on-board? And that it used the right pins?

I asked for a schematic so I don't have to spend 5 minute digging it up.

So this board STEVAL-STLCS01V1 ?

PD2/PC12 look to be optionally USART or USB. Do you this connected directly, or via the NUCLEO board? And using the VCP from that?

Your building an programming which component? The STM32L476JGY6 on the Sensor Tile itself, or the cradle?

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@Community member​  Hi This error occurs irrespective of the boards both STELVAL-MKSBOX1V1 and STEVAL -STLK01V1 both have same error. For MKSBOX1V1 I checked the schematics the board is configured to USART1 - Pin PA9 and PA10 and checke the connection thro multimeter as well...