2019-03-28 4:19 AM
Hello. I will be attending the electronic fairs in April in HK and noted that ST has a booth for AI (SMART Living). Are there presentations that we can attend for AI? If yes, what is the schedule? Otherwise, will drop by for a quick chat. Thanks and see you then!
2019-04-10 8:49 PM
Yes there will be a 30min "AI on the Edge" keynote on the 16th, 14:30, the stage, Hall 3FG.
See you there.
2019-04-13 10:49 AM
Hello @Alexandre MENGEAUD. Thank you. Unfortunately will not be able to attend the keynote due to my schedule but did drop by your booth on Saturday. It was not an easy booth to locate but stumbled across it by accident (was checking on my fellow Canadian attendees).
For future readers, ST is in Hall 3G (from memory here) and is in the French Pavilion. If you see the Canada Pavilion, you are close by. Had a quick chat on these tools and will review upon return to the office.