2021-10-25 12:49 PM
I am using the model from the posted page (model.5h). It's a Keras model. When i try to analyze it i get error: Analysis status: error.
Validation metrics: No data to display, please perform a validation first.
It happens with a single model which i try to analyze. How to fix it? I use stmcubeide 1.6.1 , and X-CUBE-AI 7.0.0 package, win 10. I tried also use options validate on desktop and target but that's not help. Also tried with old version of X-CUBE-AI (5.2.0). I put some screens with an error.
Could it be a problem with the model itself or with the environment?
2021-10-26 1:21 AM
When you click on the analyze button you have a popup with the result of the call to the stm32ai analyze command.
This is where you'll find more information on the error.
Alternatively you can look in the STM32CubeMX log file located in ~/.stm32cubemx/STM32CubeMX.log
2021-10-26 8:49 AM
2021-10-26 9:24 AM
The "interesting part" is this one
2021-10-24 12:46:22,246 [INFO] CmdLine:100 - Command: C:/Users/Kamil/STM32Cube/Repository//Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/7.0.0/Utilities/windows/stm32ai analyze --name network -m C:/Users/Kamil/Downloads/model (1).h5 --type keras --compression 1 --verbosity 1 --workspace C:\Users\Kamil\AppData\Local\Temp\mxAI_workspace1200115401730044488494709936223 --output C:\Users\Kamil\.stm32cubemx
2021-10-24 12:46:31,596 [INFO] CmdLine:132 - stm32ai exit with status: 0
On your machine stm32ai command line seems to have execution problems
Can you first rename your model to remove the (1) and the spaces
Then can you try to open a command line and then enter the following commands
cd C:\Users\Kamil\STM32Cube\Repository\Packs\STMicroelectronics\X-CUBE-AI\7.0.0\Utilities\windows
set _DEBUG=1
stm32ai analyze -m C:\Users\Kamil\Downloads\model.h5
Maybe with more debug information we'll know where the problem is
2021-10-26 9:25 AM
Also you can verify with a tool like Neutron that your h5 is a regular Keras file
2021-10-26 10:18 AM
2022-07-08 7:16 AM
Hi, do you solve this problem?
2022-07-08 8:42 AM
The command line is performing as expected on this model, it should be the same when called from STM32CubeMX unless you have specific resource constraints on this machine preventing STM32CubeMX to start the command line