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Error When Converting TensorFlow Whisper Encoder to .nb Using ST Edge AI Tool



I am a new user of the STM32MP257F-EV1 board and am not very familiar with the ST Edge AI tool. I am currently trying to extract the TensorFlow Whisper encoder, convert it to an INT8 .tflite model using post-training quantization (PTQ), and then use the ST Edge AI tool to convert it into the .nb format for NPU acceleration.

I followed this procedure to perform the quantization:


model = TFWhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-tiny")
config = model.get_config()
encoder = model.get_encoder()

# Define a Keras model that takes input features and outputs encoder embeddings input_features = tf.keras.Input(shape=(config['num_mel_bins'], 2*config['max_source_positions']), dtype=tf.float32)
encoder_output = encoder(input_features)
encoder_model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=input_features, outputs=encoder_output)"whisper_encoder_saved_model", save_format="tf")

def representative_data_gen():
    for _ in range(10:(
        data = np.random.normal(size=(1,config['num_mel_bins'],
                                                           2* config['max_source_positions'])).astype(np.float32)
    yield [data]

def convert_and_quantize_to_tflite(model_path, output_tflite_path, representative_data_gen:(
    model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_path)
    converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
    converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
    converter.representative_dataset = representative_data_gen                                                                                        converter._experimental_disable_per_channel = True
    converter._experimental_new_quantizer = False

    # Ensure 8-bit asymmetric quantization
    converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS_INT8]
    # Keep input and output in float32 for compatibility
    converter.inference_input_type = tf.float32
    converter.inference_output_type = tf.float32

    # Convert and save the TFLite model
    tflite_model = converter.convert()
    with open(output_tflite_path, "wb") as f:
        print(f"{output_tflite_path} saved successfully.")

convert_and_quantize_to_tflite("whisper_encoder_saved_model", "whisper_encoder_int8.tflite", representative_data_gen)

After generating the whisper_encoder_int8.tflite model, I used the following command to convert it to .nb format:

./stedgeai generate --target stm32mp2 --model whisper_encoder_int8.tflite --input-data-type float32 --output-data-type float32

However, I encountered the following error:

E 23:02:43 Operands could not be broadcast together with shapes [147456, 1500, 384] [86973087744, 1500, 384] INTERNAL ERROR: ('Operands could not be broadcast together with shapes [147456, 1500, 384] [86973087744, 1500, 384]', None)

I am unsure what is causing this error. Could it be an issue with how I generated the .tflite model, maybe because the encoder has 4 layers?  Or is there a limitation with the ST Edge AI tool regarding tensor shapes or dimensions?

I would appreciate any insights or guidance on resolving this issue.

Thank you!


Julian E.
ST Employee

Hello @Justin_wu ,


At first glance, the issue could be related to shape mismatches or dynamic shapes that are not interpretable.

It could be due to post-processing layers being removed by ST Edge AI, leading to errors, or certain layers not being supported on this model.

Additionally, it seems that the model quantization is done per-channel rather than per-tensor, which can significantly impact performance by running the model on the GPU instead of the NPU.


I will try to replicate to find where it comes from and update you.


Have a good day,


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