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SPC5604B and Freescale MCP5604D

Posted on January 19, 2016 at 11:43


I have written code using CodeWarrior which runs on the Freescale device without issue.

When trying to run it on the ST part, I find that during the compiler startup when RAM is being initialised, the SWT is enabled.  With the same binary on the Freescale part the SWT is disabled at this point in the code. 

The startup code does not initialise RAM within the timeout period, and the ST device resets whereas the Freescale part does not.

Are the two parts identical?

How do I disable the WDT using the NV user options word during the compiler startup code before RAM is initialised?

Does CodeWarrior generate code which is compatible with the ST parts or should I switch compiler?

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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on January 21, 2016 at 18:06

Hello Murphy ,

MPC5604D shoull match with B 512k in ST world.

''SPC560B40x, SPC560B50x, SPC560C40x, SPC560C50x

32-bit MCU family built on the embedded Power Architecture®''

Could you confirm your ST Device ?

it should be the same device.

      Best regards
