2014-06-11 5:55 AM
I'm trying to create new project (Starting Code Generating) with SPC5 Studio Version (2 or 3) for SPC56B/Cxx Series. But It doesn't generated. SPC5 Console Out:Begin processing component resource com.st.tools.spc5.components.platform.spc560bcxx_1.0.0.201405131114/component/root_wo/
> Processing main.c
> Processing debug.wsx
> Processing stm_xpc560b_minimodule_debug_jtag.cfg
> Processing user.mak
Begin processing component resource com.st.tools.spc5.components.platform.spc560bcxx_1.0.0.201405131114/component/root_wa/
> Processing application.ld.ftl
Error: Expression conf.instance.runtime_settings.irq_stack_size.value[0] is undefined on line 28, column 29 in application.ld.ftl.
Error: FMPP processing session failed.
Error: An error occurred while generating component SPC560B/Cxx Platform Component
Begin processing component resource com.st.tools.spc5.components.platform.spc560bcxx_1.0.0.201405131114/component/cfg/
> Processing boot.h.ftl
> Processing platform.h.ftl
Begin processing component resource com.st.tools.spc5.components.platform.spc560bcxx_1.0.0.201405131114/component/mak/
> Processing component.mak.ftl
Begin processing component resource base files
> Processing components.c.ftl
> Processing components.h.ftl
> Processing components.mak.ftl
Application Generation Summary
SPC560B/Cxx Platform Component ...ERROR!
What should I do?
#code-generate-error #spc5studio #irq-stack-size-error
Solved! Go to Solution.
2014-06-16 8:40 AM
2014-06-12 12:45 AM
2014-06-12 1:01 AM
Dear Yilmaz ,
I understand your issue ;)If you want to import a test application from SPC5Studio 2.0 to SPC5Studio 3.0.In SPC5Studio 3.0, after the import, it is important to save your application. (NB : you can notice the ''Dirty'' decorator on your configuration editor)After the ''SAVE procedure'' (configuration.xml), SPC5Studio 3.0 will update automatically your configuration.xml. You can generate and compile your application. Best regards Erwan2014-06-12 1:33 AM
Thanks for reply. I'm creating a new project. My states; File >New>SPC5 C/C++ Application>''Project name''>Finish and open configuration.xml with SPC5 Application Configuration Structure Add..>My chip select(SPC560B/Cxx Platform....>Specific Model(SPC560B50L5) and save. after Code Generate click. but irq stack size error. Export >Archive file is adding.(Project file) Thanks a lot. Best Regarts Orhan YILMAZ ________________ Attachments : proce.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qX7Y&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000boe%2FKKuyomiMn9LZI.tLlmx0AkMLYYWTdqN7R8Z6G50_YS8&asPdf=false2014-06-12 2:38 AM
Hello Yilmaz ,
Could you confirm that the versionof SPC5Studio ?
About SPC5Studio�
For your information, your componentsdirectory are not correct.
It contains a leopard component“spc56elxx_platform_component� for BCXX
In SPC5Studio 3.0,
Here are the steps :
In your PROCE project:
Close “configuration.xml� with
SPC5 Application Configuration
Reopen “configuration.xml� with
SPC5 Application Configuration
You should see a popup
“Your application contains updatedcomponents/properties see log for futher details. Note: save the editor contentto apply changes�
And this following warning.
Application Generation Summary
SPC560B/Cxx Platform Component
Warning: Configurationsetting ''ırq_stack_size'' not found in instance of component''com.st.tools.spc5.components.platform.spc560bcxx: [Element:<runtime_settings/>]''.
Saving will remove thissetting from configuration.xml file.
Warning: Property IRQ StackSize was not found in configuration file.
Clickon OK
Save the “configuration.xml�
Clean your project (becauseof your bad components)
You can use Activity Wizard(Windows
Activity wizard ) in order to in orderto generate, compile, debug or clean after selection your “configuration.xml�
“Generate� your project
Generation should be OK
“Compile� your project
Compilation should be OK
You canfind in this attachment your project updated for SPC5Studio 3.0.
PS: in using “New
SPC5Studio Wizard�
For more information use the helpcontents , Help
HelpContents (chapter
SPC5StudioApplication Wizard Guide)
2014-06-12 3:34 AM
2014-06-12 4:22 AM
2014-06-12 6:47 AM
Hello Orhan ,
I got the problem. Your problem is due to the ''i without dot''. (Cf Screenshot) Could you edit the configuration.xml and change irq_stack_size to the good one (Save it)? could you confirm your used fonts on Windows or Eclipse? Best regards Erwan YVIN ________________ Attachments : 2014-06-12_152943.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qVnH&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bo0%2Fzu0Qcmgxm42v1SpdD4i8gmbJR0h0CkCplYmt0hbi2OI&asPdf=false2014-06-12 7:11 AM
Hello Erwan,
I too found. It's be generated. This have bug an other plugin. Turkish and English Windows8 OS and Turkish Keyboard. XML char set is change from Eclipse>windows> Prefences but not ament. (I see Default:UTF-8) ( Sory my English some bad. )2014-06-12 7:53 AM