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SPC58xHx BAF code loops in infinitely after reset or re-powered


Dear Experts,

After erasing all flash, I flash new program to SPC58 and it can just work as soon as flashing the application execution file (e.g. elf).

My SPC58 cannot run the application code after reset or re-powered.

Based on the SPC58 H Line Reference Manual, I checked the Boot record structure searched by the BAF on SPC58 flash and they all was correct as I've known:

  • Addr 0x00FC_0000: value=0x00A50000
  • Addr 0x00FC_0004: value=0x00FC8000 (It is start address of Boot CPU (Core2) Reset vector table)

0693W00000HrBs3QAF.pngI think I missing any setting for SPC58 flash but I cannot find more information currently.

So please help me if you was experienced about this.

Thanks in advance!


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Accepted Solutions
Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Hello ,

If you erase all the flash, you can not run your application.

the strategy to detect a valid boot header is detailed in the figure 47.

Your address seems to be correct :

Please enter to debug session with your debugger

your reset address should be 0xFC0008

0693W00000HrGUuQAN.png Best Regards


View solution in original post

Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Hello ,

If you erase all the flash, you can not run your application.

the strategy to detect a valid boot header is detailed in the figure 47.

Your address seems to be correct :

Please enter to debug session with your debugger

your reset address should be 0xFC0008

0693W00000HrGUuQAN.png Best Regards



Hello Erwan,

Thank you so much for your support.

I'll try according to your advice.