2018-04-06 3:20 AM
I am using SPC560B-DIS discovery board and UDE STK 4.8 debugger for my project .
I am facing issue with watchdog during debugging , i have set my watchdog in window mode
with time out period of 100 ms , and window as 50 ms .
I am not servicing watchdog to check whether watchdog reset or not after 100 ms , by analyzing one pin state
in oscilloscope .In oscilloscope i am able to see pin state change for very short time , but differences between consecutive peaks is coming accurately 100 ms .
I have put FRZ bit as 0 so watchdog counter will increment in debug mode .
Issue : When i debug the code using
UDE STK 4.8 , reset is happening and continuous
warning messages are displaying in log window with time stamps .
But when i am putting the break point in main , it is not hitting frequently but randomly
like sometimes in seconds , sometimes in minutes .
But warning in message log is displaying very frequently.
I don't know the cause of this issue , any help will be appreciated for solving this issue .
2018-04-09 1:43 AM
Hello Alok ,
If you have a reset issue ramdomly, which IVORx are you going ?
Check your LR,PC ..
For your information , the Watchdog is disable on your debug configuration on your default configuration.
Best Regards
2018-04-10 1:35 AM
Hi erwan , i have removed the watchdog de-init previously . Please see the pic below
Here watchdog reset is happening in 100 ms and i am able to see the warning message ,through
pin state i have confirmed reset time out is 100 ms , but the break point before TIMT_Start()
is not hitting after target reset every time , some times it hits the break point and that also with
different intervals .