2017-03-02 6:33 AM
I have an SPC5-UDESTK JTAG adapter here, which I am using with UDE.
Does the adapter source it's own voltage, or do I need to feed voltage from the target back to it? If so, which pin is used?
2017-03-03 2:11 AM
Hello Andrew ,
Normally , When plugged on the Board
SPC5-UDESTK and USB Cable.
it should be ok.
the booard is supplying the voltage for SPC5-UDESTK
Best regards
2017-03-03 5:57 AM
So it seems that I need to provide voltage from the board back to the adapter on one of the pins. I seem to have found this pin as it makes one of the LEDs on the adapter light up.
Is there not any documentation about the pins and LEDs on the SPC5-UDESTK?
Is there anyway to chose internal voltage?
2017-03-09 3:06 AM
Hello Andrew ,
Which board do you use ?
For a discovery Board, You do not need to use
Discovery Board contains the hw debugger by FTDI (Usb), you have just to plug the mini usb cable.Best Regards