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SPC5-UDESDK JTAG debugger stopped working after PC was rebooted.

Associate II

I am setting up a development environment with SPC5-Studio, Discovery Plus Kit for SPC56 L line (with SPC56EL70L5 MCU) and SPC5-UDESDK JTAG debugger.

Initially I was able to set up the SPC5-Studio and upload an example application (LED blinker), but after rebooting my PC the UDE STK tool stopped connecting. No matter what settings I use - the result is the same, the debugger can not connect to the board. I tried reinstalling, UDE and SPC5-Studio to no avail.

To debug the problem I have connected a logic probe to the SPC5-UDESTK pins (TCK, TDI, TDO) and I see absolutely no activity on those pins when I attempt to connect with the UDE STK software.

It seems that the SPC5-UDESTK device stopped functioning correctly. The Windows OS detects the SPC5-UDESTK device correctly.

What can I do to restore the functionality of the SPC5-UDESTK device?

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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Hello Konstantin ,

could you check your PLS USB/JTAG by FT_Prog ?

Best regards


Associate II

Device is detected. What I should be looking at?


XML template is available here:

Associate II

UDE STK still doesn't connect:


Connection failure report:

Associate II

Photo of the device, connected to the EVB:


Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Maybe a reset escalation

Reset escalation is hardly an answer as power cycling doesn't solve it.

See also my initial comment, especially this part:


To debug the problem I have connected a logic probe to the SPC5-UDESTK pins (TCK, TDI, TDO) and I see absolutely no activity on those pins when I attempt to connect with the UDE STK software.


There is no activity on the JTAG pins when I press the "connect" in the UDE STK debugger software.

Associate II

Dear ST!

Please kindly consider actually looking into the issue, rather than guessing what it could be. Please also consider reopening the support case #00165293 which you have closed without providing a resolution.

If you need more information to troubleshoot this I would be happy to provide it.