2014-09-30 5:45 AM
I installed SPC5Studio 3.0.0, and UDE 4.02.05. When i build a new project clicking on ''build all'' icon, SPC5Studio doesn't generate out.elf file, so i am not able to debug. I can debug Software examples for SPC56L-Discovery (dowloaded from the site), because they iclude the correct out.elf file, but if i modify a main.c file, then save and build the project, out.elf isn't updated. Thanks for any useful response. Best Regards Paolo Menoni2014-10-06 1:53 AM
Hello Erwan,
I reinstalled spc5studio, and I followed your instructions, but build doesn't work yet. I copyed into the eclosed file, the messages spc5studio shows when building. Not always I have my laptop with me, and and not always I work on SPC5Studio during busuness hours, so, if you consider it appropiate, could you please let me know when your are available (day and timetable) for a teamviewer session. Best regards Paolo Menoni ________________ Attachments : console.txt : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qUVY&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bnl%2FGILhb2Q0hulzIARsZeA95YDl5urhFEav7kPoFGL97PE&asPdf=false2014-10-09 11:27 PM
It works now.
Thank you. Best regrds Paolo Menoni