2018-06-05 1:58 AM
Hi all, I've got a SPC570S-DISP eval board and I've been trying to get the sample serial code working. The LED's are working fine and I'm sure rest of the code is fine too but I cannot see any COM Ports in device manager. I've installed FTDI and VCP drivers but it still is not showing. I can see the JTAG adapters in USB controllers, for reference. Does anybody else have this problem? Thanks in advance.
#com #usb-virtual-port-com-(vcp) #spc570s-disp2018-06-06 1:26 AM
Hello Yalin ,
You should set ''Load VCP'' in Drivers Settings (PLS USB JTAG Adapeter for SPC5xxx A
Best regards
2018-06-06 4:03 AM
Hello Erwan,
I have managed to see the PLS USB Serial Port in device manager but I'm only seeing one port whereas I should have 2, one for JTAG/programming stuff and the other one for LINFLEX0, am I right? I cannot connect to COM4 while UDE is loaded with the workspace.
2018-06-07 2:29 AM
Hello Yalin ,
You have to choose the good COM port
1 is for the debugging
1 is for the LINFLEX (38400 Bauds COM20 is my example)
Best regards