2016-01-27 2:32 AM
Good morning,
working with the universal debbuger on the dicscovery board with SPC56EL60L3, I have this error: various registers seem inaccesible to me. If I try to monitor them with SFR, I don't see the values, but ''???????'', and if I try to do an operation on one of them (reading or writing), the micro go in exception.Modules that behave like this are, for example, CRC, ADC, LINFLEX.For the ADC module I tried various configurations with the wizard, but nothing. I cannot understand why the ude cannot see them.P. S: I reported the problem in the discussion on the STM register, because I thincked it was related to a single module (CRC), but after various trials it seems a generic problem related to a group of modules that, for some reason, I cannot access.Thank you, Ivan #ude-sfr-registers-access2016-01-27 5:43 AM
Hello Ivan ,
you have enable some IPs by associated PCTL (cf in RM) (cf memory map to have the associated number)/* clock gating if present.*/
Best regards
2016-01-28 6:43 AM
Hello Erwan,
thanks for the advice. I tried your solution, but it didn't work out. I cannot understand where to find that you suggested. If I copy the function name in my project (where I generated the board code with the wizard), I cannot find the function. Following the advice has been helpful. I discovered the ME module and the fact that peripherals must be activated. I found that the device, in RUN mode, had the peripherals deactivated, as you told. I used this code:/* Activate extern peripherals. */
UBYTE ME_MASK = 0b11111111;
and it works.
Do you have any suggestions regarding this piece of code? Any idea on why I cannot apply your solution? Probably I misinterpreted it.
Thank you,
2016-01-29 2:35 AM
I post here to add that the solution that I found have a strange problem.
If I run the code step by step using the debugger, after the code that I posted I can use the ADC0 register.But in run mode, after the activation code, the register remains in ????? status and I go in exception.It seems that I miss something important.Someone have ideas?Thanks, IvanEdit:I understood where the problem was. I missed this two lines (sorry for the bit notation): ME.MCTL.R = 0b01000000000000000101101011110000; ME.MCTL.R = 0b01000000000000001010010100001111;With this, I control a transition to the RUN0 state and configuration is loaded (so ADC converter is activated). First write: mode selection + key. Second write: mode selection + inverted key. See RM for Mode Control Register (ME_MCTL).The problem didn't arise when I was debugging, beacuse stopping the execution on a break point commanded automaticcaly a transition from DRUN to RUN0 mode loading the config.But if I didn't stop the application, the status of the system remained in DRUN and so my configuration were not loaded.Regards, Ivan2016-02-01 12:40 AM
Hello Ivan ,
Good that you find your issue ..not easy to find , but often the solution is in the RM;-) Best regards Erwan