2019-10-08 9:40 PM
2019-10-14 1:58 AM
hi @Erwan YVIN ,
Can you please help on this one.
By default we are getting one bit for delimiter. But as per the LIN Descriptor File, delimiter should hold two bits. Kindly let us know a way to change the delimiter length, as we couldn't find the appropriate register in the datasheet.
Best Regards,
Prashanth Mohan
2019-10-16 6:57 AM
Hello ,
I think that it is located in BIDR register
Best regards
2019-10-16 7:19 AM
Hi Erwan,
Thanks for your response, but unfortunately, what we are asking is not about Data Field Length which is number of data bytes in the RESPONSE part of the frame.
But we are asking about the delimiter bit length in the SYNC Brake Field of header part of the frame.
While connecting to LIN channel to the analyzer, we are getting on is "sync delimiter error". In our chip, we could able to select the break length in MBL register field of LINCR1 register, but not the delimiter length.
Currently we are setting MBL as 18 bits and by default it is taking the delimiter length as 1 bit, upon which, we are getting "delimiter bit error" in LIN Analyzer.
Please help us on this.
Best Regards,
Prashanth Mohan
2019-10-16 7:43 AM
I think that it is not configurable and it should be 1 Bit
About the error
"This Error bit bit is set by hardware when the delimiter is too short (in other words, less than one bit time).
It should be cleared by software."
I have checked in All families SPC56,SPC57 and SPC58 .. No configuration is possible on Delimiter bit length
Best Regards
2019-10-17 7:07 AM
Hi Erwan ,
Thanks for your reply.
SPC_LIN_waveform_9600BPS(first image) screen shot is the LIN wave form generated by SPC microcontroller, which is captured in oscilloscope.
According to this waveform, the delimiter length is not less than one bit, But still i am getting the same error which i mentioned in CANanalyse_LIN(second image) screen shot.
Actual required wave form is mentioned in Simulated_master_node(third image) screen shot.