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How to make LIN Send Break signal with SPC584B70 chip (borad)


I am using SPC584B70 and LIN transceiver(TJA1021T) for LIN communication and I have a question.



I need to create a break signal first for LIN

communication but I don't know how to create this signal in the current library.

The current structure is to pass serial data to the TJA1021T chip, and the chip converts it to a LIN signal and sends it to me.

The library I am currently using is serial_lld.c and I have checked that Tx and Rx work fine using this library. 

화면 캡처 2025-01-24 170059.png

The signal on the left is the signal generated, and the signal on the right is the signal you want to make. This photo proves that Tx is doing well.

* Is there any way to generate and send a break signal using this library?

Or is there any code where I can see an example of lean communication? I know there is a lean communication library (lin_lld.c). It would be nice to see an example of this library.

Thank you very much.