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Hi Guys, I am working on SPC584B-DISP Board.In this board i need bootloader option so that i am try to use example SPC584Bxx_RLA Bootloader Test Application for Discovery 2 .In this example download code from serial UART .

Ravi S
Associate II

In this I can able to download bin file from UART next step jump to app in this step not working if any one have idea please help .......

Thanks advance ...

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Ravi S
Associate II

Hi sir,

I will check and update .

But my doubt is LIN6 I configure can able to receive and send data with 115200bps .Only think code is not jump.

any way i will change to LIN0 into my config then test and update the status .



ST Employee

I just have a little doubt on LIN6 because usually we use LIN4 or LIN0

but as you said, as you can send and receive data over LIN6 between SPC5 and HOST, LIN6 is maybe not the issue.

Data must be sent 64bit by 64bit

each time host is sending data, he must check he received the same data back

let see...



Ravi S
Associate II

Hi sir,

I print data send from External MCU and send screenshot for your reference.

Host MCU send 8byte at a time




ST Employee

Hello Ravi,

did you try with LIN_0 configuration ?

what is the size of your own Applicative binary (multiple of 8 bytes) ?



Ravi S
Associate II

Hi sir,

Sorry for the delay .

Thanks for your replay.

Now my code stat working .Logically how it work i don't know .may be some code generate issue.

Just I done following think my code start working.

1.Currently my code in Serial UART0 interface for code download .Not working

2.I changed connection type serial to CAN in Firmware Update components and generate code & Compile the program .

3.Immediatelly change connection type CAN to serial in Firmware Update components and generate code & Compile the program .

4.Then follow the code download steps and restart MCU my bootloader start working.

Thanks for your your quick response great support sir.



Hello Sir,

thank you so much for your reply.

I am really happy you find how to make your program working.

I am just sorry for failing to find your UART issue root cause.

I whish you a good day Ravi,

and to enjoy to work with SPC5 product.

Best regards,


Olivier, would you please send the files also to me.

ST Employee

Have a good day,

Best regards.