2019-08-31 2:03 PM
Hi Dears
First (if its important):
I want to program for 560b50 and it isn't in platform list. list started with 54. what should I do?
Secondly :
I configure "enable filters" in flexcan visual configuration from respective component and so generate ...
but defined "SPC5_CAN_USE_FILTERS" have "False" value in all respective codes (cfg , header , lib).
using spc560b CAN example , was the similar result and this defined , have "False"!
I tried another family chip and everything was right. ("SPC5_CAN_USE_FILTERS" changed with visual configuration.)
Do you think there is a problem?
have I become sensitive?
2019-09-12 12:58 AM
you are right. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have found to root cause and fixed it. The fix will be included in the next update of SPC5Studio. In the meantime, as workaround you can manually set SPC5_CAN_USE_FILTERS to TRUE in your project.
Best Regards,
2019-09-12 9:56 AM
Hi dear
Thank you for making the world of programming beautiful with your efforts.
As you said , i defined parameters manually :
Also mailbox numbers aren't visually Quantifiable.
may be more than these bugs...
What do you think about list of mcu (560b50)?
2019-09-12 11:53 PM
you are right. In the same fix related to the CAN Filter enabling I have already fixed the setting of the Number of RX/TX mailboxes and the number of CAN that can be enabled (for the same issue, with the current version of SPC5Studio you can enable only the CAN0 e CAN1). The whole fix will be release with the next udpate and is related to the platform SPC560Bxx, that includes the SCP560B54, SPC560B60 and SPC560B64. If you are interested on SPC560B50, you have to select in SPC5Studio the platform SPC560BCxx, that includes SPC560B40, SPC560B50, SPC560C40 and SPC560C50 . For the platform SPC560BCxx the issue on the CAN Filter enabling adn on the setting of the Number of RX/TX mailboxes is NOT present. So, no workarounds are needed.
Best Regards,
2019-09-16 9:29 AM
Hi dear
Thank you for your kindness.