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how to set SPC560b50l3 to STOP mode?

Associate II

I am able to set STOP mode in SPC560B50l3 successfully, but still the total

current drawn is 6-7mA.

According to datasheet the maximum current consumed in stop mode under 55 °C is 500 uA.

Following is the code that i have added to set STOP mode:

ME.STOP0.B.PDO=1;/* Pad power sequence driver disabled, but state */

                     /* of the output is kept */

   ME.STOP0.B.MVRON=0;   /* Main Voltage regulator is off */

   ME.STOP0.B.DFLAON=1;  /* Data flash is in power-down mode */

   ME.STOP0.B.CFLAON=1;/* Code flash is in power-down mode */

   ME.STOP0.B.FXOSC0ON =0;/* Fast external crystal oscillator (4-16 MHz) off */

   ME.STOP0.B.FMPLLON =0;/* FMPLL is off (default status during STOP0) */

   ME.STOP0.B.SYSCLK=0xf; /* System clock disabled BEFORE RC switching off */

   ME.STOP0.B.FIRCON =0;/* Fast internal RC oscillator (16 MHz) off */

   ADC.MCR.B.PWDN = 1; /* Power donw analog part of ADC0 */

   ME.MCTL.R = 0xA0005AF0;   //request STOP mode

   ME.MCTL.R = 0xA000A50F;   //request STOP mode


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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Hello ,

I forward your point to the good guy.

Maybe it is the way to measure.

Best regards
