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Debugging with SPC5Studio and UDE

Associate III


I am trying to upload a code to my SPC570S-DISP development board, but I am having an issue with the debugging tool UDE. I searched for this issue in the forum and I have tried all the solutions given and none of it work. When I try to debug from SPC5Studio I get this error,


And when I try to use the UDE STK tool I get this error,

Message from component 'PpcJtagTargIntf' :

Can't connect target !

Message from component 'PpcJtagTargIntf' :

No JTAG client found !

Please check:

- target power supply

- JTAG cable connection

- target configuration

I have created a case with ST, and so far no one has been able to figure out what the problem is. As I saw from the posts in the forum, many users are having this problem. Please be kind enough to look into this matter.

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Hi Erwan,

Thank you for the support. I did a fresh installation of the SPC5Studio and UDE STK on another computer, and tried the debugging process.

I worked like a charm. I have no idea what the issue is with the other computer. Hopefully you could share some thoughts on this issue.

Thank you again.


Hi Erwan,

I was able to complete the debug process, by changing the COM port assigned to the development board manually.

Thank you
