2016-02-29 7:12 AM
Good morning to everyone,
I am trying to understand a possible problem I have with tha AD converter of the SPC56ELxx.I am working on a board where an input current is used to set an input voltage to trhe ADC converter of the micro controller. The ADC seems to work fine: I tested the vlaues in the channel data and they seem right.But if the input voltage is 0, the AD converter give me a valid DATA, 0x2BB. The circuit should give a voltage proportional to the input current, so, if the current is 0, I expect to read 0 on the ADC channel data.Is there some characteristic of the ADC converter that I don't know, so that, if the input voltage is 0, it write in the data channel a different value (something like a low treshold)?Thanks, Ivan #ad-converter #low-treshold2016-04-08 4:57 AM
2016-05-03 8:42 AM
Hello Erwan,
I worked on the problem and discovered that it was caused by the external circuitry on wich the controller is embedded. I learned how to manage the ADC and now I have no problems.Regards,Ivan