2023-05-07 3:57 PM
2023-05-08 10:02 AM
@Piranha was a bit faster than me, but we came to the same result. :grinning_face:
Yes, you are right, the typo you mentioned is definitely one, and should be read a LE50ABZ-AP instead of LE33ABZ-AP. Thanks for this tip!
2023-05-08 10:52 AM
Thanks @Piranha & @Peter BENSCH,
Funny. I was going through that data sheet and was momentarily confused by the same typo. But...I put the LE33 on a 9v led tester and voilá, 3.3v! Out of circuit, the le33 outputs 3.36vdc. In circuit, 0.01V.
Thank you both for helping me resolve this.