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Input Samplerate of STA309A

Associate II
Posted on October 17, 2016 at 16:49

Hey there,

i have problems to choose the right input setting of the STA309A.

My current input is I2S with 48 samples at 512*fs.

The sites 22-25 of the datasheet are a bit confusing. In CONFA i can choose a MSC e.g. of 48 samples with 512*fs. But at page 25 i only can choose a maximum of 64*fs for I2S input sound formats. What is the difference between those registers and settings?

Which configuration now is the right one? I have a XTI input of 24.576 MHz at the ADC's and the DSP.

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Associate II
Posted on November 15, 2016 at 09:30

hi ME,

STA309A can handle 192Khz sample rate .

according to your hardware configuration, please make sure your bit clock is 12.288Mhz ,due to it's 64FS .

and your clock output frequency is strange , please check your  PLL networks parameters , is it aligned with ST recommended application circuitry .

by the way, please down load APWorkbench from ST website, this tools will help you to initialize STA309A properly .
