2023-11-28 12:31 PM
I'm wondering if it is okay to connect 2 16ohm headsets in parallel to the ts482idt stereo amplifier. This would mean that the output load is now 8ohms but the datasheet only mentions 16 and 32 ohm loads. What if any issues would I encounter in this configuration?
2023-11-28 1:02 PM - edited 2023-11-28 1:08 PM
at 5V:
so about 80 mW in 8 ohms. you should put 8 or 10 ohms at the output, so not producing too low impedance to the amp.
why connect 2 x 16 ohm par. ? why not connect in series ... ?
2023-11-28 2:29 PM
since we're using a standard stereo headset here. the left and right speakers have the return lines both connected to one analog ground so it would not be possible to do a series connection. So the concern with the too low impedance is that it might pull more current than the max output spec? Our audio output is very low power (50mV and 6mA rms), so it should be okay right?
2023-11-29 12:23 AM
okay; if you want keep the spec , add a 10 ohm at the output, so the amp gets : 8 + 10 = 18 ohm load.