2023-04-18 6:10 AM
2023-04-18 7:30 AM
Ok, you've opened multiple threads on the same topic, and not responded.
If it's not working you're evidently doing something wrong.
Make sure you've got the right pins, and the right AF mux settings, and that all the appropriate clocks are enabled.
We can't see any of the code you've changed, and we don't have your hardware configuration.
External Loaders are relatively complicated to code and debug. Perhaps you have other team members you can work with on this? Get some BSP level application code working for the read, erase and write, test and debug that first.
It's going to be very hard to diagnose and debug the situation based on the detail presented. Try harder..
2023-04-18 7:42 AM
You have an STM32H743 or something else
For Bank1 GPIO pin mapping - PF6,PF7,PF9,PF8,PG6
Bank2 - PE10,PE9,PE8,PE7,PC11,PF10
clock pin - PF10
QSPI part number is MT25TL01GHBB8ESF-0AAT
2023-04-18 9:51 AM
PF8:AF10 D0 BK1
PF9:AF10 D1 BK1
PF7:AF9 D2 BK1
PF6:AF9 D3 BK1
PE7:AF10 D0 BK2
PE8:AF10 D1 BK2
PE9:AF10 D2 BK2
PE10:AF10 D3 BK2
2023-04-18 7:55 PM
Blind / Tentative build
2023-04-18 11:24 PM
2023-04-18 11:25 PM
2023-04-20 3:34 AM
Hi ,
Can you share STMcubeprogrammer latest external QSPI driver for customization.
2023-04-20 3:36 AM
The code i got from github that is last update is 2019 .