2021-04-05 4:34 AM
I have development board of ST25RU3993 HPEV. I am testing TAG detection uising GUI application -provided by STM.
As this application works using USB interface between STM MCU and HOST. Instead of USB interface I want to check UART communication with HOST.
Can you plese ket us know how can i check UART communication and where to take wires and what changes are required in hardware.
Also I need some informatrion of protocol because we need to develop a application on UART to read tag information
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-06-28 8:43 AM
let me summarize, based on the discussion, how to replace the ST25RU3993 EVAL/HPEV onboard FT231 IC
2021-04-06 11:50 PM
Dear SPraj.1
the ST25RU3993-HPEV is actually using a serial interface with the host computer (see virtual com port).
Nevertheless if you would like to connect TX, RX, DTR and RTS directly you can do so using J7 on the HPEV board.
Please have a look in the user manual of the HPEV board.
You would still need to provide 5V to VBUS in order to power most parts on the board.
It is also advisable to put U13 into reset (remove R6 and short C33).
With regards to the protocol please refer to the documentation of the SDK.
All information required is available here.
2021-04-07 1:07 AM
Hello B,
As you said I have tried to connect RX and TX on J7 but it receives some random data. But I did not Put U13 into reset. So Is it compulsory to put U13 in reset ?
Also I have not connected DTR and RTS pin. Bacause I check UART2 flow control is not enabled. And If I check on J7 then what should be the Baudrate, 115200 or 3000000?
Threre is no information available for protocol in your suugested link.
Waiting for your reply,
2021-04-07 1:17 AM
Dear B,
I have another doubt that How can I write EPC memory using GUI tool. I did not find any option on GUI tool to write anbd read memory. Can you please let me know how can i write or read tag memory?
2021-04-07 2:25 AM
Hello SPraj,
You can find the ST RFID UHF reader suite User Manual on ST site with the reference: UM2268
As mentioned in the documentation (section: 5.2 Functions panel),
the EPC can be modified by selecting the button "Set EPC" (section: 5.2.3 Set EPC),
the memory can be modified as described in section: 5.2.2 Tag Memory.
Hoping this helps,
best regards,
2021-04-07 3:36 AM
Hello Cedric,
Thanks for the information, I found this useful
Can you please answer about UART configuration. I have connected UART to J7 but I am gettting some random data. What is the reaso and what should be the baudrat e to check UART2 ?
2021-04-07 3:46 AM
here are the STM32 UART configuration that is being used by our FW:
huart2.Instance = USART2;
huart2.Init.BaudRate = 3000000;
huart2.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_8B;
huart2.Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1;
huart2.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;
huart2.Init.Mode = UART_MODE_TX_RX;
huart2.Init.HwFlowCtl = UART_HWCONTROL_NONE;
huart2.Init.OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_16;
huart2.Init.OneBitSampling = UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_DISABLE;
huart2.AdvancedInit.AdvFeatureInit = UART_ADVFEATURE_NO_INIT;
Please note the baudrate at 3Mb/s.
best regards,
2021-04-07 3:49 AM
I have run with same configuration. But though I am not receiving proper data. Is it compulasory to connect DTR and RTS?
and is there any change in hardware required?
2021-04-07 9:27 AM
if you want to bypass the onboard FT231 UART - USB converted you could access the UART RX/TX pins on J7. The DTR and RTS lines are not used for UART flow control, they are connected to the STM32L4 Boot0 and RST pins to control the boot behavior. To manual operate the RTS (Reset) you can use the onboard button B1, and the DTR (Boot0) must be set to high permanent to start from user flash. Important, until the DTR line is high you can not enter the STM32 bootloader and flash a new FW. For more flexibility its recommended to operate the DTR and RTS line by SW from host side as following
After this sequence the board is ready and connection on UART is established
You can find in our SDK package the sample source code as reference for the described steps above.
Please have a look to the ".\Applications\STUHFL_Demo\" folder of the SDK package -> https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-st25ru-sdk.html
2021-04-07 9:38 AM
Hello BR,
Apart from this Is there any other hardware changes are required like remove R6 and short C33.?
After bypass FT231. I have connected J7 RX TX to PC via CP2102 but it is saying me to update firmware and when i click to update firmware it says device is not recognised.