2020-05-17 3:21 AM
Hello, I from Russia and I use cyrillic symbols.
In touchGFX Designer I use cyrillyc symbols without problems.
But if I type cyrillic symbols in IDE, in codefiles
I get "?????????" on touchGFX gadget.
I try to translate codefiles to UTF-8 - same result: "?????????"
How to solve this problem?
2020-05-17 5:03 AM
Did you set Text ->Typography-> WildCard ranges as below for textArea1Buffer ?
Hope this helps..
2020-05-17 7:22 AM
This is my options. Without any effect
2020-05-17 1:54 PM
Do you able to see A-Z in Text Area?
2020-05-17 1:57 PM
Yes. I see all symbols, excluding cyrilllyc.
Cyryllic symbols are replaced by "?".
Impotrtant: one cyrillyic symbol replaced by two "?".
2020-05-17 2:06 PM
I think Cyryllic symbols not understand by TouchGFX.
Did you check below article
Do have have hex values of your cyrillyic symbol?
2020-05-18 1:07 AM
Have you selected a font supporting Cyrillic? You should found some online (ttf files) and add them in TouchGFX/assets/fonts if you have not found one. (Watchout, if this is for a commercial project make sure you have the license for the font)
EDIT: Verdana actually supports Cyrillic, I did not know. But if you intend to add other languages or if you want to use another font for your text, this is the way to do it if not found in Designer.
2020-05-18 1:11 AM
If I use cyrillic symbols on textarea in touchgfxdesigner, I have no problem.
If I set value of text string in IDE (keil), I have problem.
2020-05-18 1:21 AM
Check your generated files to see if those unicodes have even been geenrated. For instance, here's generated/fonts/src/Font_Verdana_10_4bpp_0.cpp with the pixel data for a single glyph 0x003F. If touchgfx cannot find your glyphs in the generated files then it will display "?" (if you chose a fallback character).
#include <touchgfx/hal/Types.hpp>
KEEP extern const uint8_t unicodes_verdana_10_4bpp_0[] FONT_GLYPH_LOCATION_FLASH_ATTRIBUTE =
// Unicode: [0x003F, ]
0xD2, 0xCE, 0x03, 0x21, 0x50, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x05, 0x00, 0x4D, 0x00, 0x00,
0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00
2020-05-28 12:33 AM
I work with Cyrillic as follows
touchgfx::Unicode::UnicodeChar buffer[100];
Unicode::fromUTF8((const uint8_t*)"тек�?т", buffer, 100);