2020-01-31 1:52 AM
A new feature that puts together the Machine Learning Core (MLC) feature of the DSOX and the ST.box hardware and interface is now available on ST BLE Sensor app.
This powerful feature allows yougo beyond the Mode 2 (Expert mode) interacting with the Unico tool-chain for the .ucf file generation, as explained in this series of post on MLC embedded feature. A few ready-to-use .ucf files are available on public Github repository at this link (Gym activity recognition, Vehicle stationary detection, Vibration monitoring, etc), even if these are intended mostly for a preliminary evaluation.
But how to use it in practice? Select the MLC virtual sensor from the "Input options" n and upload the .ucf file you created with Unico. I suggest you to use the ST.box itself to acquire the motion pattern for your specific app dataset creation.
You can find the app-generated MLC user interface in the comment below :red_triangle_pointed_down:
2020-01-31 1:59 AM