2019-04-23 5:52 AM
should LSERDY assert with LSEBYP?
I have a SIT1533 (32.768 khz Mems ocsillator) connected to PC14/OSC32IN on a L412. I first reset the backup domain, than I enable LSEBYP and with next command I enable LSEON. On a cold start, where the SIT1533 may need 500 ms, LSERDY never asserts, also OSCIN is toggling when I check with a scope.
Otherwise why does the sequence
not set LSERDY?
2019-04-23 9:56 AM
LSERDY indicates crystal's oscillation stability.
I didn't found any mentioned relationship between these two bits, but also is not mentioned the state of LSERDY in case of using external osc. (probably undefined)