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Using st-link of another nucleo board gives core is held in reset error



I have a nucleo L053r8 and a nucleo f401re boards. I want to use the st-link of the L053 board to load code and debug the f401 board. I removed jumpers from CN2 and connected the pins of CN4 connector of l053 board to the correct pins of the f401re board.

I'm using keil and it gives me @Core is held in reset error when I try to flash the microcontroller.

I tried to do this: on the f401 board, I removed jumpers of CN2 and connected the pins of CN4 of f401re board to the correct pins on the f401re board. Long story short, I tried to use the embedded st link on f401 board as an external st link. It works without errors. So I dont understand why using the stlink of the l053 board doesn't work.

Any idea or suggestions to solve or to understand the problem?

Thank you


Seems an oddly convoluted method.

The CN2 only acts on the SWDIO/SWCLK pins. Review SB (Solder Bridge) usage on the board, look at user manual, and schematic contained therein. You'd want the make sure the local ST-LINK/F103 is disconnected from the target. See SWO and NRST

Check also for SB related to PA13/PA14 on the target

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