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STM32f4 reset problem

Posted on January 04, 2014 at 19:13


I have made a custom pcb for STM32f407VGT6. I am able to detect and program MCU using ST Link V2. However MCU is not running code after reset. BOOT0 pin is connected to ground via 1K resistor and BOOT1 is hanging. NRST pin is hanging and connects to ground on hitting pushbutton.

Any help with this issue is appreciated.
Posted on January 05, 2014 at 01:53

You'd want to look carefully at your code, what it's doing in SystemInit(), if it's hanging waiting for HSE to go ready, etc.

Run it from reset in a debug, understand where it stops or gets stuck.

If you have a USART1/3 connected, you could try booting with BOOT0 High, and sending a 0x7F at 9600 8E1 and checking for an 0x79 response. This will show the processor running from HSI
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