2017-04-19 3:18 AM
Hello, I would like updating the firmware of an STM32F767ZI using the internal boot loader. I am using the USART3 (PB10 and PB11). In order to transfer the program I am using the program �Flash Loader Demostrator�.
My testing application has two parts. A led blink implemented in the main loop and the jump to the internal boot loader implemented in and EXTI interrupt. In that way when I press a button the application jump to the internal boot loader code and starts the updating process.
When I press the button and I star the communication with the flash Loader everything seems ok:
When I try reading the firmware appear the following message:
I try enabling the reading with the Flash Loader:
The program informs that the memory will be erased. After the process the result is:
When I try reading the program the result is the same as before:
If I use the ST_LINK Utility I can read and write the memory without problems. The configuration of the Option Bytes is:
I have tested the same process with STM32F407 and everything works fine.
Can anyone help me?
#bootloader #flash-loader-demonstrator #stm32f7 #read-protectionSolved! Go to Solution.
2017-04-25 7:58 AM
,Please find attached a newer version of the FlashLoader demonstrator supporting STM32F7 devices.
Try it and keep me informed if it is working as expected or you faced any issue using it.
________________ Attachments : STMFlashLoader Demo_V2.9.0RC4.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyZb&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bB9%2FYFV_iSjUbmd5ku0V_1q_jaaH4yU3v6lHbqGRs2VZofA&asPdf=false2017-04-21 2:32 AM
No one can help me? None idea?
2017-04-25 7:58 AM
,Please find attached a newer version of the FlashLoader demonstrator supporting STM32F7 devices.
Try it and keep me informed if it is working as expected or you faced any issue using it.
________________ Attachments : STMFlashLoader Demo_V2.9.0RC4.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyZb&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bB9%2FYFV_iSjUbmd5ku0V_1q_jaaH4yU3v6lHbqGRs2VZofA&asPdf=false2017-04-25 11:04 AM
Thank you very much!!!
Using your program every thing works perfectly.
I don't know why in the ST web (
) isn't the last version.2017-04-25 4:14 PM
This new version will be available soon on the web to support new devices.
2018-06-14 8:18 AM
Hi, I am also trying to use the internal bootloader but in my case I do not even stablish conection with the board, the error says to verify the boot mode configuration because the Boot loader cannot be started (image attached). I have connected boot0 and boot1 to '1' and '0' respectively and connected the board with usb and got virtual COM11, but fails. What else should I do? I tried all baudrates but nothing.
2018-10-04 5:27 AM
where do I find the attachment?
I would like to flash an STM32F765 via UART1
Thank you.
2018-10-04 5:31 AM
Hello @Gunnar Bohlen ,
I recommend you to use the STM32CubeProgrammer software tool for device-programming and firmware upgrade for STM32 microcontrollers, following the instruction in the User Manual and System requirements.
Kind Regards,
2018-10-04 7:00 AM
thank you for this info.
Unfortunatelky this does not solve our problem.
We try to flash a STM32F765 via UART1.
The Programming software sends a 0x7f to detect the device and gets an answer 0xC0 0x79. Correct answer woiuld be only 0x79.
Using UART3 the device answer is correct and the device can be programmed.
In the final design it is not possible to use UART3 - is there any workaround to use UART1 ?
Or is it a known bug in the bootloader?
Thank you.
2018-10-12 7:42 AM
can anyone from ST please confirm that programming a STM32F765NIH6 Rev. Z via USART1 can be done with STM32CubeProgrammer?
If not we have to move to USART3 (which seems to work) and this requires several changes in the PCB.
Thank you.