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I am using I-CUBE-LRWAN to create a LORA end-node device. But the documentation does not say anything about how to create your own device using this extension. I have two questions:1) Can this extension be integrated into CubeMX?2) Are there instruct...
I am using the ETH module in the STM32H743 microcontroller. Added support for LwIP and DHCP. Everything works, the device receives an IP address and responds to ping requests. But there is a problem - the interruption of the ETH-module does not work ...
Posted on November 21, 2017 at 13:12I try to read data, using the HAL_DSI_Read function - in the Low Power mode I read data successfully, but when switching in the High Speed mode it is impossible to read data. Result of reading - an error on a time...
Posted on November 16, 2017 at 13:42I use the DSI interface in the STM32F469 microcontroller and I try to read this by means of the HAL_DSI_READ function - but data are read not completely, only 1 byte from four. Tell me please how it is correct to ...
Posted on June 24, 2017 at 23:53I use a debugger of ST-Link and STM32 ST-Link Utility, I try to read 128K of the microcontroller flash-memory from the address 0x08020000. But STM32 ST-Link Utility reads only to the address 0x0802E000 - further the u...