Hello all, I'm new to STM32, I have been given a project to display the time and date on either an 16x2 lcd or an oled display using the internal RTC of my board. I have the STM32 Nucleo f401re.Can somebody help me?Thanks and Regards
Hello all, (EDITED)With some debugging i've got the code to work without any errors, everything is working fine on the OLED Display,the only problem is if I am coommenting out this line: void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
Hi @SofLit, Good Day!What do you want me to do with these 4 links? I have already tried to run this github code, with these 4 files included but it does not work.Perhaps can you guide me with which pins should i connect my oled to my board?Thanks.
Hello once again, @SofLit,The oled is working usually, using the example code, of displaying garbage value on it of humidity sesnor.I have connected SCL of the display to the PB6 (I2C1_SCL) pin of the board, the SDA to PB7 (I2C1_SDA), VCC to the +3V3...
Hi @Andrew Neil, Thanks for replying.Yes, I do have some experience with arduino board and esp boards, but only upto arduino IDE.Thanks for the videos of the introductions.But if you do have any content for using oled with the board and displaying th...