User Activity

I am using the STM32H562ZGT to generate center-aligned PWM with TIM1. Since I also want to use TIM1 for 20kHz periodic interrupts, I set the Period so that overflow/underflow occurs every 40kHz and set the Repetition Count to 1. This ensures that UEV...
I am using the STM32H562VGT6 and IAR Workbench. I have set up a 4kHz interrupt with LPTIM3 and started transmitting 32 bytes of data using HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA. If I break and resume execution after starting the timer interrupt, the SP becomes 0xffff...
I am testing Flash write using a custom board with STM32H562VG.For debugging, I use IAR I-jet and VSCode's C-SPY extension.The following HAL API is used for Flash writing, addr starts at 0x08030000 in the User area.HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM...
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