I am using an STM32 Nucleo H563ZI board for stm32CubeIDE and I am trying to send AT commands to a Telit LE910C4-WWX threadx modem over usb using the usbx host and threadx middleware. My program should be able to detect the modem as a cdc acm dev...
It is now fully functional. All I had to do was change the data class, nothing else. I do need to have the modem in a specific usb composition though. It just needs the 2 modems as well as the ecm interface. It can't have the diagnostics interface.
I was able to solve my issue. All I had to do was go into the cdc acm h file and change the value of the data class from 0x0A to 0xFF. It works perfectly fine now, and I can send and receive data over usb.
There is only 7 different configurations that I can do, and the only interface with a class of 0x0A is called ECM in the documentation. The minimum amount of interfaces I can do with that class is 3, however it still gives me that error. I know this ...
Yes, but my implementation requires that I can connect the modem and the nucleo through their usb ports. I can enumerate most of the devices on Windows by installing the driver. I can't do that with the nucleo.
I think that might be part of the problem. I stepped through the enumeration process and it did return an ED null error when it was going through the endpoints. What would I need to do tofix this?