User Activity

We are developing Matter Device using X-CUBE-MATTER.Is there any way to compile and debug on Visual Studio Code instead of on STM32CubeIDE?
We are developing this on st-cube-matter.We are using the STM32WB5MMG-DK evaluation board, but is there a recommended device for the security chip that stores the certificates for the DAC, NOC, etc.?
We are developing a Matter device using X-CUBE-MATTER.How can I make the sample firmware using SBSFU into a sleepy end device? Just setting CFG_FULL_LOW_POWER to 1 fails the commissioning. How can I enable Sleep Mode like the generic-switch app?The d...
We are developing a Matter device using X-CUBE-MATTER.When we set CFG_FULL_LOW_POWER to 1 to enable sleep mode, pressing B1 for 10 seconds does not enter Factory Reset and BLE advertising is not executed.When we checked the current consumption, it se...
I want to use pyocd to write Firmware to M4 of STM32WB5MMG.I am trying to change the range of RDP=BB to RDP=AA and WRP before writing, but it is not working. Do I have to do something special?
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