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Is it possible to send data from SPI2 to SPI1 ? SPI2 being the slave. In SPI, Master initiates the communication, correct ?This is how i do it:When the Slave SPI2 receives a byte from SPI1, i set a flag, and i check for this flag in main context.If t...
Hello Everyone,I am trying to establish communication between SPI1 and SPI2 on the STM32F303 Discovery board.I have configured SPI1 as Master and SPI2 as Slave. I am receiving 0xFF when a Receive interrupt is fired in SPI2.SPI1 Master module is confi...
Hi all,I am using STM32F334 for SPI communication with a TDC7201 chip from TI.I am using the Low-Level Drivers to initialize the driver and communicate. Here is my initialisation routine: __HAL_RCC_SPI1_CLK_ENABLE();   LL_SPI_InitTypeDef SPI1I...