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please check the image below. actually i was working on stm32f030c8 for more than a month, but today while debugging i stuck to an unknown problem, my device is not detecting on target. i checked all connections wirings everything multiple times but ...
here's my initialization code for spi and rc522:/* USER CODE BEGIN SPI1_Init 1 */ LL_SPI_SetRxFIFOThreshold(SPI1,LL_SPI_RX_FIFO_TH_QUARTER); /* USER CODE END SPI1_Init 1 */ /* SPI1 parameter configuration*/ SPI_InitStruct.TransferDirection = LL_SPI_F...
during debugging i came to notice that after PCDinit() ,few instructions contating read and write on rc522, is receivng correct data through spi but after that it always read zero. same problem had been arrived earlier too but it started working on...
my device was working properly. but when i enabled lvl 1 RDP protection..all peripheral device connected was still working correctly. but the moment i changed the optional byte to level 0 again n erase the whole flash and reprogrammed it again wi...