below are the codes(0x0801E000U) which is used for jump:#define PROJ1_FLASHADDR 0x08000000U#define PROJ2_FLASHADDR 0x0801E000U __disable_irq(); /* Get the main application start address */ uint32_t jump_address = *(__IO uint32_t *)(PROJ1_FLASHADDR + ...
i have flashed RTOS firmware at location 0x8000000. i have another firmware(led blink) at location 0x8001e00. i am unable to jump from 0x8001e00 to 0x8000000 location. but i am able to jump from 0x8000000 to 0x8001e00(led bllink) and it is
hi stm,i am using multiprocessor communication uart mode in STM32F303VC. i am not able to communicate UART2 at 312500 baud rate. i am using external oscillator of 10 MHz . please suggest what should be the clock setting for that.thanks,roushan
i have have loaded two different firmware at different locations of the flash memory(stm32F303) .main program starting address: 0x80000000second program starting address: 0x80020000i have to call second program. main program is running perfectly but ...