Do you have the updated version of material for STM32WB ZigBee intro workshop? the downloaded material is based on STM32CubeWB V.1.6.0 and most of them is not working with the current STM32CubeWB V.1.13.3.
Hi,Yes. Actually I use the 'PSU - Buck VoltageMode_HW G474inLQFP64.ioc' in folder 'xxxx\STM32Cube\Repository\Packs\STMicroelectronics\X-CUBE-DPower\1.0.1\CubeMX Files References' to generated the project, then compile.
I just figured it out that my Button 1 on PC12 which I already configure to EXTI 12 is masked out. I need to manually add the code to disable the mask to make the EXTI working. I add this line of code before the while(1) loop EXTI->IMR1 |= (1 << 12);...