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Hi,I am new to bootloader and firmware update concept. I would like to program bootloader and update firmware using UART. I have gone through datasheet and reference manual and understand that there are boot pin and nboot1 bit, nboot_sel bit and nbo...
Hi,I am using STM8S-discovery board. It started detecting as mass storage device as G drive. Will you please tell me what's happened to this board. I have reinstalled STVD IDE and ST-LINK driver too.
I am using stm8s discovery board with stm8s105c6 microcontroller. I am using demo code in stm8s_peripheral_library. I want discovery board should work as master. But I2C communication is not working,.Will you please help.Thanks in advance
I am using stm8s105c6 discovery board. I want to generate timer 1 interrupt and toggle led. But I am not able to generate timer interrupt.void delay_cycles(uint16_t cy){  do{    --cy;  }while(cy);} //void TIM1_UPD_OVF_TRG_BRK_IRQHandler(void) void TI...
Hi,I am using stm8s discovery board with stm8s105c6 microcontroller. I am using 6 step PWM generation sample code bu using stm8s_periperal_library.I am able to generate PWM at PC2, PC4 only but I am not getting PWM at other pins and not even compl...