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Hi, guys. I've been having, a really strange problems with my project and i need anybody help. I'm using here a microcontroller STM32H743VI revision X. I made a custom bootloader with USB MSC and the problem is, work everything correct with the boot,...
Hi everyone, My project consist, in a bootloader with USB MSC, and the size of flash of this uC is 128k bytes, that is, there is only one sector.I had some problems with bootloader of this uC. If i program first time, all right, but if i program sec...
Hi, I'm using the STM32H743 Nucleo Board, to development a bootloader code with USB_MSC, I based my code on the "STM32H743I_EVAL" this is the address to the file "STM32H743I_EVAL\Applications\USB_Host\FWupgrade_Standalone" and everything work good, a...