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I tried to read through datasheets and STM32F0 programming manuals, but can't find any of clue. I do understand that the STM32F0 is been used in low power and cost sensitive environment, usually not come with huge RAM. If ever huge RAM needed, the el...
It is critical the security for IoT deployment. As a first step, secure the firmware on BlueNRG-x, how to do it?What is the approach? What tools and middlewares are available?-Andy
Hi, Could someone walk me a quick through what the difference between STEVAL-IDB008V2 and STEVAL-IDB008V1? The STEVAL-IDB008V2 is a newer version evaluation kit for BlueNRG-2 over STEVAL-IDB008V1, but what is the essential change? Especially for f...
I have a quick look, and find out that the Bluenrg-2 comes with 256 KB of flash and Bluenrg-1 comes with 160 kB of programming Flash memory.But what else? Can someone drop a quick summary or a link to an answer? Thanks.Andy
Posted on June 13, 2018 at 20:20Hi ST support and developer,   I have a small bug report for X-CUBE-SPN7, in the project of examples,   Projects/Multi/Examples/MotorControl/SW4STM32/STM32F302R8-Nucleo,  the include path has set to../../../../../../D...
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