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Background: We have a board that uses Quad SPI on STM32H750 to interface with Macronix MX25L12833F Flash.  We are using the flash to support a large firmware image (with XIP). We are attempting to take this hardware and drop in STM32H733.  Doing this...
Working on setting RDP (read out protection) on STM32H750.  We are using an external loader to be able to read from/write to external flash. The internal flash only contains a bootloader.1. Setting RDP to Level 1 doesn't prevent reading external flas...
I’m having some trouble related to using the FMC to interface with a LCD. We are using NE1 as chip select, LCD register select is A0, 16 bits of data.  When I’m scoping the signals, I’m seeing the A0 go high during 16 bit writes to 0x60000000 (comman...
I'm attempting to use a quad encoder as user input. It is connected to the LPTIM1, so I was going to use the HAL functions with encoder mode. I want to be able to sense both the direction and amount of turn of the encoder in order to move selection ...
I've configured IWDG for my application (STM32L053). When I've halted the application during debugging, the IWDG is still triggering resets. I'm using a SEGGER j-link. I've attempted to use the __HAL_DBGMCU_FREEZE_IWDG() macro, but it doesn't seem...